Wednesday 26 June 2019

The Maori New Year, Matariki

All About Our Little Tradition:

The Maori New Year Matariki is something that Maori's celebrate. There are heaps of things Maori do in that time like making Kites, Harvesting, Feasts and many more. Matariki is really fun when you celebrate it Matariki is like a tradition. It expresses how Maori feel and what they feel about Matariki. Matariki also helps provide more food for Maori when they have there big feasts it also helps making connections around your family and your small family while spending quality time Together.

The Stars:

In the tradition Matariki there are Important Stars that you can see. Some Believe that there are 7, 8 and even 9 I only believe that there are 8 because there are 7 stars but including Matariki there are 8. The Stars are known for there Brightness in the sky and those who see the in Late May or Early June.

The Celebrations:

Matariki is known for it's Stars but also there Celebrations there is so much celebration's that Maori do for Matariki like the things I did in the start like making kites having big feasts also harvesting for harvesting the Maori's used the stars as guides for when to harvest the veges for there big feast.

This is all I have for Matariki Hope you enjoyed.

Tuesday 11 June 2019


This Term Rm:25 have been learning about Space and our Solar System. Our Solar System is filled with many things or you could just call it space. 

We have our Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and finally Neptune. These are our eight planets let me tell you more about Mercury.

  • Mercury
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun it also has an extreme heat of temperature because it is so close to the sun and has almost no atmosphere at all. 
Did you know you could see Mercury from Earth that could be like all the way to USA and back and then back and then back again. 
Mercury is also a bit just a tiny bit larger than our MOON.
Only some of Mercury's crater's are very very deep.
One of Mercury's craters are 8 miles long.

That's it for Mercury but come back because I will do more about our other 7 planets next time get ready for Venus. Blast Off

Sunday 9 June 2019

Everyone's gone to the Moon

On Friday Mr. Harris came into our class he showed us the song everyone's gone to the Moon. It was kind of a weird song so weird even the voice sounded weirder after listening to it a few times.


Mr. Harris told us to write down what we thought about these lyrics. I think they were talking about life and how it is and its not always going to get your way and we will have to just be Happy no matter what happens.

These are some of the lyrics:
Streets full of people, all alone
Rows full of houses, never home
Church full of singing, out of tune
Everyone's gone to the moon

Everybody had a chance to write a D.L.O sadly I didn't get to make one so this might be a work in progress hope you enjoyed this post for now

Thursday 6 June 2019

Meeting Alexis Pritchard.

Last week Kauri team met Alexis Pritchard. She talked to us all about her career and how she was a boxer in life. The first time she sparred the person punched her nose and she started crying. Her coach gave her 2 choices. To leave and never come again or get up and fight again. So she did she was showing Manawanuitanga she never gave up and kept pushing herself to where she could be successful. She also represented New Zealand in the commonwealth games and was the first women to win a Bronze Medal for New Zealand in ages.

Alexis Pritchard talked to us all about stepping out of your comfort zone and it is all right being scared of things that you don't like because there is nothing you cant do without fear and without fear you couldn't do anything. She also said if we fall down we have to always get back up and try again and if we don't win the game we didn't have to care because life isn't about winning.

This is what Alexis Pritchard told us all about and what she does in her career.

The 3 R's

If you have been learning about Recycling you should know about the 3 R's, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. They show us all about recycling here are 66 videos about Recycling people should play their part in recycling and they should, because if nobody knew what recycling was our world would be full of trash and there would be no world at all or no existence and life on our planet.

So first of all Reduce Make the more we have of our rubbish into a small amount so small you could probably hold it all in your hands. Reduce means like smaller amounts of something you have like our rubbish.

Then there is Reuse we could always use this again or more than just once reusing over and over again is good because less landfill goes into every pile each year.

And finally Recycle we all know this one It is reusable material so you can use it again for good uses you could put it in the rubbish and it goes into the same process again and again and it comes out as the same material you want to use.

These are the 3 R's Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. These are the things we need to know without the Earth telling us to. As kids we should already know even when we grow up so our planet is safe.