Tuesday 11 June 2019


This Term Rm:25 have been learning about Space and our Solar System. Our Solar System is filled with many things or you could just call it space. 

We have our Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and finally Neptune. These are our eight planets let me tell you more about Mercury.

  • Mercury
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun it also has an extreme heat of temperature because it is so close to the sun and has almost no atmosphere at all. 
Did you know you could see Mercury from Earth that could be like all the way to USA and back and then back and then back again. 
Mercury is also a bit just a tiny bit larger than our MOON.
Only some of Mercury's crater's are very very deep.
One of Mercury's craters are 8 miles long.

That's it for Mercury but come back because I will do more about our other 7 planets next time get ready for Venus. Blast Off


  1. I like your facts about Mercury. Ka pai.

  2. Hi Matthew, it's Lincoln from Room 24. I like your facts about Mercury. It is really interesting and fun. Is there a crater that is way deeper then mercury crater?. Come check out my blog.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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