Sunday 9 June 2019

Everyone's gone to the Moon

On Friday Mr. Harris came into our class he showed us the song everyone's gone to the Moon. It was kind of a weird song so weird even the voice sounded weirder after listening to it a few times.


Mr. Harris told us to write down what we thought about these lyrics. I think they were talking about life and how it is and its not always going to get your way and we will have to just be Happy no matter what happens.

These are some of the lyrics:
Streets full of people, all alone
Rows full of houses, never home
Church full of singing, out of tune
Everyone's gone to the moon

Everybody had a chance to write a D.L.O sadly I didn't get to make one so this might be a work in progress hope you enjoyed this post for now


  1. nice space pod In room25 good job in room25.

  2. Kia Ora Matthew It's Zoe from room 24.
    I like your post on the song you learnt.
    If you like you could clarify the words so there not on top of each other.
    Check out my blog at
    Thank you for sharing your learning with me.
    Blog Ya Later Zoe


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